wiki meta applet

well finally after a month long of stressful exams i will get some time to do some open source contributions. πŸ™‚ After a week break i felt really fresh and i immediately started integrating simon’s code to mine πŸ˜€

Well initially i thought the integration work would be straight forward and thought itΒ  would be done within a day. But it proved to be a lot more complicated for the simple reason that in a meta applet we are no more dealing with individual webpages but are integrating a collection of information which is lyrics,album,title and artist information.

I did manage to include most of the features which simon had put into the wikipedia applet although the approach for meta applet was very much different.However one feature which i found extremely difficult to port was the use of busy widget since it was upto me to define the busy widgets and also the positions of the busy widgets on the applet can vary as the user expands and compresses the other information. Any ideas in this regard would be really helpful πŸ™‚

I intoduced 3 page states 0,1 and -1 where 0 state was for the current tracks page which was being viewed and the web view content changes as the track changes. 1 state stood for those pages of wikipedia which are got by clicking links from the web view and -1 state was to view the previous track’s information. When in state 1 and -1 the content of the web view remains unchanged even when track changes and thus gives a comfy factor to the user that the web view content will never change if hes reading a web page of wikipedia or is viewing the previous track information. If he needs to refresh the previous track information he can do that simply by selecting the “refresh previous track info” from the context menu.

I have just given a link to a video below which demonstrates everything that i have explained . your feed back is valuable. So please do post in your views , comments and suggestions πŸ™‚

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